SYKE Tribe

SYKE Tribe is a home gym coaching application designed for seniors living at home.

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Services / products

Home gym coaching with a mobile application


Terhi Immonen, CEO
+358 442522642


SYKE is an app that brings together coaches and people who want to make a change in their lives. The app helps coaches to manage and control clients better in one platform and at the same time the SYKE app provides motivating and supporting guidance to a person who is being coached in his own path to better wellbeing and to better life.

SYKE Tribe is a scalable coaching software and a mobile application for online coaching, occupational wellbeing coaching or just providing a personal diet or training plans. The software is specifically designed for wellbeing coaching.It is built around a modern coaching philosophy utilizing the formula for thechange process as well as micro learning.

  • Digital Supportfor coaches providing individual coaching or small group coaching alongside traditional coaching
  • Online coaching
  • Digitalization and control for well-being coaching at work (online- and hybrid coaching plans)
  • 100 % online coaching and mobile app coaching


SYKE is a solution that adapts as your business grows!



SYKE Tribe is a platform for coachies, gyms, companies and cities providing well-being and health services for the end users.

SYKE Marketplace: Is a platform for coaches for providing digital wellbeing coaching for end users. At marketplace SYKE Tribe also provides content production for online courses and digital coaching consulting and education.