Story Archive

A Knowledge Bank of Everyday Life and Living Experiences

In the Story Archive, you will find authentic descriptions of everyday life, living, and the related technological needs. The information has been collected through interviews with elderly people, individuals with disabilities, and mental health rehabilitees during the HIPPA-Remote project across different parts of Finland. The Story Archive helps companies and professionals identify the needs, wishes, and areas for improvement in everyday life and living. In addition to product and service development, the Story Archive can be utilized in education, marketing, space planning, and orientation. Students, researchers, and journalists can also use the search service in their work. The material is freely and publicly available.

Aarne 83 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Uusimaa

My day starts at 4:40 am, I make breakfast and read the news, then I go out between 5 and 6. I go for another two-kilometre walk at 8:00 in the morning with a couple of friends. We go downstairs for a coffee at nine, and I read another paper. After lunch I have a rest, and then I go for my afternoon walk. I watch the news later, and in the evening I make coffee...

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Alma 91 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I live quite a normal daily life: I do the morning chores, make porridge and do other light housework. I listen to the television and the radio. I always have the radio on. Now that I can't read anymore, listening is important, and I listen to audiobooks. I live by myself, so I start my day with normal chores.

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Amanda 92 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Uusimaa

I do tend to sleep late in the mornings. I pretty much only wake up between nine and ten. I get up, have a wash and get dressed, and then I go straight to the service centre restaurant to have lunch. They serve lunch between 11 and 13. In the past we could sit where we liked, but during the coronavirus pandemic we were told what to do.

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Anita 66 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

My husband and I live in a single-family house which we own. It has five rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a sauna and three toilets. We also have a hobby room in the basement. We have been living here for 37 years. Our home has been renovated a lot over the years, which has made it more comfortable. I find having a private sauna in our home important. As the site...

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Eira 72 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Central Ostrobothnia

I get dressed in the morning myself. I have my meals in the dining room of the living facility. I have a nap during the day. Sometimes I go shopping and for a walk with an assistant. I no longer use a bike.

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Ellen 76 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Pirkanmaa

My spouse and I live in a single-family house in a sparsely populated area. Our home has 180 square metres, 7 rooms, a kitchen and service areas.

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Female 53 years Vietnamese

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 53-year-old woman from Vietnam, and I've been living in my own house in the Uusimaa region of Finland for the past 6 years with my spouse. My typical day involves taking care of the house by cleaning and doing the grocery shopping. Once a week, I attend Finnish classes.

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Female 55 years Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 55-year-old lady living right here in Helsinki with my wonderful family – my loving husband, our children, and my dear brothers and sisters. You know, I've got a soft spot for technology. I own this nifty smartwatch that keeps track of my steps and even shows me my blood pressure and heart rate. I must say, I've got a pretty positive attitude towards...

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Female 55 years Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 55-year-old lady, and I live right here in Helsinki with my children. My typical morning follows a routine that's important to me. I start by waking up and then focus on my morning prayers, reading the Quran. It's a peaceful way to begin my day. After that, I take some time to cook and make sure my children are up and ready for school. One thing that...

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Female 64 years Iranian

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I am a 64-year-old woman from Iran, and I've been living in Finland with my spouse for 13 years now. We have a rental apartment in the Uusima region, and my day usually starts with house chores, working outside, cleaning, shopping, and cooking. I also make sure to take a walk every day to keep myself active and healthy.

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Female 68 years Iranian/Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I am 68 years old. I'm originally from the center and historic part of Iran, but now I'm a Finnish citizen, and I live with my husband in a 37m2 owned apartment in the Uusimaa region of Finland for 12 years. My day starts with house chores like cleaning, shopping, and cooking, but what I love the most is when I'm painting, working in my gardens, or cooking. I...

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Female 69 years Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 69-year-old lady living right here in Helsinki, and I'd like to share a bit about my daily life. It all begins with waking up in the morning, like it does for many of us. You know, I have been on quite a journey to get to where I am today. When I first came to Finland, I was very sick, and I even lost my memory. Hypertension was a constant companion. But...

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Female 70 years Vietnamese

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I am a 70-year-old Vietnamese woman living in a rental apartment in Uusimaa region, Finland for 9 years now. My typical day starts late as I like to sleep in. After waking up, I meditate for an hour, cook lunch, and then do some cleaning and washing. The highlight of my day is going out to visit my peer group and dancing. I love to dance, and it makes me happy....

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Female 72 years Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

Well, you know, I'm a 72-year-old lady living here in Pohjois-Haaga, in a cozy two-bedroom apartment with my daughter and two precious grandchildren. My day usually begins with me rising early, doing some gentle exercises to keep myself fit, and then cooking up a good breakfast. After that, I love taking a stroll outside, especially on days when we decide to...

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Female 75 years Syrian

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 75-year-old lady from Syria living in Uusimaa, Finland. I've been living in a rental apartment for the past four years, and I spend most of my day taking care of the household. I clean, shop, and cook, and the highlight of my day is when I visit my children and have my grandchildren over.

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Hely 78 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

This is just normal everyday life. When I'm at home, I do housework. The success of my daughter, and how her children are doing at school, are highlights of everyday life. They've brought me flowers, like those big roses there when I turned 80. They came here for my birthday and brought the flowers. Of course, it gives me joy and makes me happy when everyone is...

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Henri 37 years

Muu tuettu asuminen, Central Ostrobothnia

I wake up around 6:30 in the morning. Sometimes I wake up myself, but usually a carer wakes me. I like to take my time over my morning chores. I get my breakfast made for me. A taxi takes me to my job at riding stables, or I take part in other day activities. I have a special pony I look after at the stables. My Tuesdays are free. I also go to the Kuku project...

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Jesse 24 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Pirkanmaa

I have no particular pattern to my daily life. The only thing that creates some sort of a rhythm for my time are visits to the day centre three times a week. On other days I usually spend my time doing whatever I feel like. This may have been a bigger problem recently because I quit my studies last year. During the day I game, make music, draw and see friends.

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Keijo 92 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Pirkanmaa

I usually wake up around five in the morning. I used to wake up early for work and I cannot get out of the habit. I watch television for a bit, even though there’s little on except reruns. I read the paper and have a rest. I like to walk, I go for short walks every day with the walking frame. I meet other residents in the dining room downstairs. I often sit by...

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Male 53 years Armenian/Iranian

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 53-year-old Armenia Iranian man, and I've been living in Uusimaa, Finland for the past two years. I live in my friend's rental apartment, and I spend most of my day doing various things. I have group meetings, read books, watch TV, cook, and clean the house. I don't have a job, so I do most of the household chores as my contribution to the household. ...

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Male 63 years Syrian

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

I'm a 63-year-old man from Syria, and I've been living in a 3-room rental apartment in the Uusimaa region of Finland with my wife for about a year now. My typical day involves going to language school twice a week, reading, walking to the grocery store, and taking plenty of rest. But the highlight of my day is definitely going to the community group and spending...

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Marita 68 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Uusimaa

My daily activities vary. Sometimes I care for and water my flowers. I also do handicrafts, knit socks. I do as much as I have the energy for. Once a week, or once every two weeks, I clean my home. I hoover and mop the floors and clean the toilet, but luckily I get help from the staff for this. I also wash my own dishes that I produce in the flat.

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Mikko 50 years

Muu tuettu asuminen, Pirkanmaa

I spend four hours at the day centre twice a week. I live in a supported housing unit, and we have all sorts of groups here, such as a gaming, coffee drinking and walking group. An instructor also visits to talk to me once a week. I take a bus to the city at least once every day. Architecture is my hobby, I draw layouts and house facades on paper. I also listen...

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Osmo 62 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Central Ostrobothnia

My spouse and I are retired. Alarm clocks and strict routines are not part of our everyday lives. We take it as it comes. If we have stayed up late, we naturally get up later in the morning. However, our aim is to get up by around 9 a.m., after which we make coffee and porridge for breakfast. After this we do something. I never seem to get bored. I can always...

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