haastattelu 24.06.2024

Aarne 83 years

Palvelu- tai senioritalo, Uusimaa

Everyday chores

My day starts at 4:40 am, I make breakfast and read the news, then I go out between 5 and 6. I go for another two-kilometre walk at 8:00 in the morning with a couple of friends. We go downstairs for a coffee at nine, and I read another paper. After lunch I have a rest, and then I go for my afternoon walk. I watch the news later, and in the evening I make coffee and have a snack. Sometimes I watch TV. I go to bed around nine in the evening.

I do Nordic walking, go to the gym and have a healthy diet, and I have stayed fit and healthy. I'm going to Thailand with my grandson for three weeks soon, and I will play golf and table tennis while over there. I enjoy social interaction and living in my home. Health and a good diet are important, and opportunities for outdoor exercise. We have plenty of stimulating and cultural events here, music and other cultural activities, but religious services are more popular in this sheltered housing unit than cultural events.


My wife fell ill five to six years ago, and I was her informal carer for three years until she moved to a sheltered housing facility a couple of years ago. I also moved here myself after my wife died a few months ago. I now live alone in a flat that consists of 3 rooms and a kitchen in a sheltered housing unit. It feels like home because I have my own furniture and other stuff here. I go to the country every second week for a couple of days. Here everything is close by, I have a panic button and can get help if I need it. I want to make my own decisions, and I've made a living will. My holiday home in the countryside is important to me.

Services and mobility

I have a grocery store and a pharmacy close by, and I visit my wife's grave twice a week. All day-to-day services are provided in this sheltered housing unit, and my daughter's son takes care of online banking for me.

Important people

My family, or children and grandchildren, are important. I have a large circle of friends in this sheltered housing unit, but only a few of my old colleagues are still alive. My older brother is still alive, and I keep in touch with friends and relatives by phone, text messages, emails and visits.

Turning points of life

Being admitted to and graduating from university. My first job, where I had a long career. Getting married, starting a family and keeping house. Even if I have had difficulties in my life, everything can be managed.

Digital smart devices

I use a Doro phone and e-mail, and my daughter’s son helps me with online banking services. Devices are nice, but finding a good person is better.
