haastattelu 24.06.2024

Anita 66 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa


My husband and I live in a single-family house which we own. It has five rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a sauna and three toilets. We also have a hobby room in the basement. We have been living here for 37 years. Our home has been renovated a lot over the years, which has made it more comfortable. I find having a private sauna in our home important. As the site is large, we also have a garden.

My husband and I have thought about living in a block of flats in the city centre near the services. We would like a flat with three rooms and a sauna in a peaceful area with green spaces and access to hobbies. But we will of course stay here as long as we can live in our current home.

Everyday life

Important things for me include decorating my home, gardening, outdoor activities and observing natural phenomena, such as birds and the seasons. I like to keep an eye on what’s happening in the neighbourhood and nearby in general. I don't read much, only a little bit about interior decoration and different topics. I also potter around with my grandchildren, and I like to go to charity shops and do crosswords.

Good everyday life includes sleeping enough and eating a healthy diet. I like to browse new recipes and cookbooks to give me inspiration for cooking. I conserve fruit from our garden. Enjoying fresh outdoor air is also important.

Feeling of safety

Sometimes things that go around my head or stressful thoughts stop me from sleeping at night. I worry about my own health and the health of my loved ones, such as my children's health problems, my husband's smoking and staying healthy myself. The coronavirus pandemic made me worried and affected my sense of safety. On the other hand, I feel safe because I have a man in the house. I might feel unsafe if I were living alone in a big house.

Use of digital devices

I use a computer and a smartphone. Sometimes I play a game on the computer. I've been thinking about getting a robot vacuum cleaner. I don’t need a timer for the cooker or the oven, for example. I’m not particularly interested in technology. Starting to use new things is a bit of a struggle for me. On the other hand, I would like to learn more about using information technology. At the moment I have satisfactory IT skills. I can search for information, but I find it difficult to use banking services on the computer, for example. I’m worried about my information ending up in the wrong hands. My husband has banking IDs, and we use them to handle our money.

Service use and mobility

We do not use services brought to us at home, except my husband sometimes orders things that are delivered by post. Otherwise, I like to drive around the city in our car. The distance to services is roughly two kilometres. I visit cafés and have lunch, go the library, have my hair done and sometimes use other beauty care services. I also use health services, of course. I have not used cultural services much. Friends sometimes invite me to come along, but during the pandemic I did not want to go.

I'd like to go to the swimming pool more often. My friends has asked me to come along to the gym, but it’s not for me. However, I have started thinking that it might be a good idea to build up the strength in my legs. Services that are important for me also include good possibilities for outdoor exercise near our home, such as an exercise track in the forest and nature trails along the shore. I can also travel to Helsinki on public transport.

Important people

In addition to my family, contacts with my woman friends are important. I have groups of friends I have met in different areas of life. If we don't have time to see each other, we can send messages, for example to wish each other happy Easter. My husband is not sociable and likes staying at home, but I need to do something and meet people. This is a challenge, and it’s important for me to keep up other social relationships.

Turning points of life

Retirement gave me a lot of freedom in my daily life, and I can do many different things on my own schedule.

Hopes for the future

I hope I will get to keep my driver’s license for a long time. We have no financial worries or problems, and financial security gives us the possibility to do different things without having to scrimp and save. I hope I can keep up my current state of health with no major setbacks. It’s important to take care of your health by exercising and doing things you enjoy, such as visiting charity shops or gardening, or buying pretty flowers for your home or starting a nice hobby. And I can always go and have a glass of bubbly with my club of grannies.
