haastattelu 24.06.2024

Ellen 76 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Pirkanmaa


My spouse and I live in a single-family house in a sparsely populated area. Our home has 180 square metres, 7 rooms, a kitchen and service areas.


We do not use any services brought to our home and provided by society. The distance from our house to a shop is 5 km and to the church and library almost 10 km. We drive to private welfare services and cultural services, such as theatre, within a radius of around 5 to 100 km.

Use of digital devices

Digital devices help us in our daily life and bring us added safety and comfort. We use smartphones, a computer, a tablet and a monitoring device outside the house, but we have not kept the one inside the house on. We watch television if there’s something on that we like, and the radio is always on. I change channels often, I think Yle's offer has got worse. I cannot say which other technological device we might need.

Important people

My spouse is the most important friend and support in my daily life. Visits from our children and grandchildren are highlights of everyday life. And of course, so is keeping in touch with other relations and friends, visits, phone calls and so on. Yesterday was Sunday, and we had a visit from our daughter's parents-in-law. The best of all was when our daughter’s son came for a visit.

Daily life of my own choosing

Slow peaceful mornings are part of good everyday life, now that were are both retired. We make plans, ‘What should we do today’. Daily domestic chores, such as cooking, cleaning, gardening and doing a bit of handicrafts make up my daily life. We do outdoor work as needed in each season.

I can live an everyday life of my own choosing. I can make decisions about my life with my loved ones, considering them together. Larger things are in God’s hands. I participate in the activities of a few associations (the Red Cross, a village association and a couple others). I go to exercise classes, I like to read, and we go for weekly walks with a neighbour and keep each other up to date on our news. I follow politics actively. I go to parish events from time to time.

The highlight of our lives is when the grandchildren visit their granny and grandad. Both of us feel deep gratitude and happiness over them. I am also grateful for my husband as well as my children and their spouses. Sometimes I ask them for advice about digital issues, even though I can do a lot myself. In addition to our loved ones, neighbours and communality bring us additional security. We and our neighbours help each other in small things. All this makes me happy and gives me a feeling of security.

Everyday worries & safety

Healthwise, a new thing is that I was diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration. We will see if it advances rapidly and stops me from driving. Previously there was nothing to stop me from following my daily plans. I have not needed any technology or services so far. If I need help in the future, I don't believe I can get it from the social welfare and health care services. At least for the time being, the wellbeing services county's activities seem to be of a very poor standard. We must use private health services.

Turning points of life and their impact

The crises in my life have included the deaths of my parents in the past and the death of my only sister from cancer five years ago. A good friend of mine passed away before Christmas. I am sad but also feel gratitude for having had them in my lives. Studies, work, busy years, children leaving home, retirement.

As to the causes of my concerns, I worry about ageing and becoming decrepit. And also, will my spouse's health remain good, which one of us will be called away first, and how will life go on after that? I would like life to continue as it is, although I know that it’s not possible. Perhaps there is no point in worrying about it too much. Of course, you must have plans, whether they can go ahead or not. It’s all in God's hands.
