haastattelu 01.03.2024

Female 55 years Finnish

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

Description of everyday life

I'm a 55-year-old lady living right here in Helsinki with my wonderful family – my loving husband, our children, and my dear brothers and sisters. You know, I've got a soft spot for technology. I own this nifty smartwatch that keeps track of my steps and even shows me my blood pressure and heart rate. I must say, I've got a pretty positive attitude towards technology.

My day typically starts when I wake up in the morning. I make sure to tidy up the house and prepare some delicious food for the family. After we've all enjoyed breakfast together, it's off to work for me. Sometimes, I manage to squeeze in a workout session, and on other days, I might head to Monaliiku club for some extra fun.

Spending time with my family is truly special to me. There's something about eating together that makes us feel connected and wards off loneliness. Now, if I think about the turning points in my life, losing my dear mother stands out the most. Her passing was a pain that still lingers in my heart. I felt the need to go back to my home country in Somalia to visit her resting place. It was a way for me to find closure and come to terms with her loss. Family means the world to me, and moments like these make me realize their significance in my life.
