haastattelu 24.06.2024

Hely 78 years

Oma- tai vuokra-asunto, Uusimaa

Everyday chores

This is just normal everyday life. When I'm at home, I do housework. The success of my daughter, and how her children are doing at school, are highlights of everyday life. They've brought me flowers, like those big roses there when I turned 80. They came here for my birthday and brought the flowers. Of course, it gives me joy and makes me happy when everyone is doing all right and stays healthy. It’s part of good daily life that everything is OK. I would like to have good health, but since I don’t, I just carry on as I am. I don't have anything special.

These days things are a bit tricky because I can't move very well. I still like baking! All kinds of machines that help me, such as a food processor, make daily life easier. This illness of mine makes life difficult and worries me. It started so suddenly, but what can I do. I would need help climbing ladders. In the past I could climb anything, but not anymore. I have no sisters or brothers. I even lost my husband, he died two years ago. But I have good friends and neighbours. A neighbour always helps me. If a fuse blows, they come and fix it straight away.
I can live an everyday life of my own choosing. Almost. I'm happy with my daily life. My daughter said, you should be happy to be able to live like you are living now.

As I live alone in a big house, it is of course a bit like I should always have an assistant there. A private home service comes and cooks meals for me. My daughter ordered the service because she wants to be sure that I get fed. This illness of mine limits my life. I want to make my own decisions about financial matters. And to whom I will give what. After all, I only have one child.


I’m happy with my flat. Only it's too big, but I will not give it up. Yes, 142 square metres is a bit too large, but never mind. My husband and I bought it years ago, so there is no mortgage on it. Why should I give it up. I have been living in it for almost twenty years. I live alone, even though people keep asking me if I have found a new man yet. I’m not looking for a new man, and I will not take one.

Being comfortable, and having pieces of furniture that go well together is important for me in my home. I’m an aesthetic, and I like beautiful furniture. When we bought our furniture, we made sure that it all matches. My future plan for housing is Hietaniemi graveyard. My husband’s already been buried there, and there is a place for me beside him. You never know. My husband died so suddenly, too, and I have these illnesses. Who knows how long more it will take.

The doctor took away my driving licence, too, even if I had only bought a new second-hand car three months ago. I had to sell it, what good would it do when I couldn't drive. Our dog walker bought the car. I’m so happy that they promised to look after my dog. There he sits on the seat of the car, with his ears pricked up. I have treats for him in the fridge when he comes to visit me. It’s a good job I had that dog because I was able to talk to it. When I had a dog to keep me company, I didn’t have to talk to myself.

Services and mobility

I use a cleaning service, meal service and beauty care services, and I have massages. Home health care has visited me. I also go to the theatre a lot. The pharmacy is across the street, and they put my medicines into a dosette. I go out very little. I used the phone to arrange my services, I found the numbers myself and all. Nobody helped me, it was a simple thing to do.
The library is very close, and I get books out if I need them. We have so many books at home that I no longer buy any. My usual hairdresser comes to my flat nowadays.

I used to travel with my husband, we had a sun holiday every spring, and we went to Lapland in winter. Now I won’t travel anymore. I use the disabled taxi service to go to places. I have used it because the doctor gave me a taxi card. I also used to take public transport.

Important people

The important people in my life are my daughter and my daughter's children. I also have a son-in-law, my brother's daughter and her children. My brother died at the age of 45. My neighbour is also important, they are always helping me. I don't have any hobbies these days, and I don’t really want any either.

Turning points of life

The turning points of my life have been bad. First I lost my parents, then my brother and then my husband. It really hasn't been too nice, everything has felt so pointless after that. But the birth of my child was a wonderful thing. We were childless for ten years, and then we got our only daughter. That, too, was quite some turning point.

Digital devices

Digital devices are good and I do use them. I no longer have a smartphone, it was so large that it kept falling out of my pockets. But I have a phone, a TV and a tablet. I also have a safety bracelet here. I have said that these devices are useful, but I wouldn't use them for fun. I’ve not had any difficulties, it’s going well. All these gadgets that I have, they have all been helpful, more or less.

I was in a profession where I had to deal with devices a lot. I was working in the management of a bank, that meant I got to know all those devices. But you never know, one day it may happen that I suddenly can’t use them anymore. The best thing that technology could give me would be a working pair of legs. I was told that I could start developing them, but I couldn't be bothered, I am done with any development.
