haastattelu 20.06.2024

Henri 37 years

Muu tuettu asuminen, Central Ostrobothnia

Description of daily life

I wake up around 6:30 in the morning. Sometimes I wake up myself, but usually a carer wakes me. I like to take my time over my morning chores. I get my breakfast made for me. A taxi takes me to my job at riding stables, or I take part in other day activities. I have a special pony I look after at the stables. My Tuesdays are free. I also go to the Kuku project art workshop. I come back later in the day. When the weather is good, I sometimes walk from the day centre to my flat. After the day activities I have a rest. Then I make some coffee and have a snack. In the evening we do mobility exercises together.

I heat up ready-made dishes myself. My mum orders the shopping for me. I wash up my dishes. I need guidance during the day. Otherwise I can manage myself. I also help in the kitchen of the shared facilities. I empty the dishwasher and take the rubbish out. On cleaning days, I help carry the mats. When I have helped out five times, I get a free evening meal.
I also have an assistant with whom we go to different places.


I'm interested in building with Legos. I like to chat, and I like things to do with electricity. I make paper rockets that I like to send off with a special lamp.


I have a pain in my ankle. When the pain is worse, it restricts my mobility a bit. It has been examined, but no reason for the pain has been found. I'm about to get some support shoes to see if they might help.


I have been living here for over eight years.

Service use

Sometimes my mum and I go and have a massage.

Important people

Mum is the most important person in my daily life. She looks after things for me. We talk on the phone every day, and she visits here often. I have two sisters who live further away. They always come for a visit on their holidays.

Turning points of life

Getting a qualification in the horticultural sector. Moving away from home to live by myself. When my dad moved away from home. Moving into the group home where I live now. I did not get enough support in the place where I lived before. This is a better option for living and doing activities for me. The decision to drop out of school and start my current job and activities. My mum once fell off her bike. She was in the hospital for a long time after it. She broke some ribs. I was worried about her.

Use of digital devices

I’ve had a smartphone for a while. I don’t really know how to use it. I can make and answer calls with it. I can also use the camera. I make sure that it has enough battery life left. I would like to learn to use more functions on the phone.

To conclude

Life is good for me. I would like to have someone to go for walks with.
