haastattelu 24.06.2024

Mikko 50 years

Muu tuettu asuminen, Pirkanmaa

Daily life of my own choosing

I spend four hours at the day centre twice a week. I live in a supported housing unit, and we have all sorts of groups here, such as a gaming, coffee drinking and walking group. An instructor also visits to talk to me once a week. I take a bus to the city at least once every day. Architecture is my hobby, I draw layouts and house facades on paper. I also listen to the radio every day and read the Bible. I make my own meals, except that I always get a meal at the day centre. In the evenings I watch television for a bit. I try and settle down in front of the television every evening between 7 and 9, after which I go to bed.

What makes me happy in daily life is reading the Bible and doing architecture as a hobby, as well as my friends. The support I get from the instructors and my loved ones makes everyday life easier. The day centre is also a very important place that supports me. I have good friends at the day centre, and the instructors are nice.

What sometimes makes my daily life difficult is my illness, because of which I may say the wrong thing at times, and this annoys me. If I did not live in supported housing, I think I might suffer from anxiety. I feel safe here, and this is a good place for me.


My home is in a supported housing unit. This is a small block of flats with three floors. It’s quite minimalistic, but I like to keep it tidy. My home has 44.5 square metres, I have two rooms and a balcony. I have been living here for two years. In this supported housing unit we always respect and encourage each other. I think it's important that people are nice. We also have a pleasant garden here, and we are close to nature. The nearest shop is a couple of hundred metres away, although I usually take a bus to a shop that is further away. I hope I could stay and live here, because it's safe. The instructors support and help me, and I also get a lot of peer support here, because we are all mental health rehabilitees. I find that the supported living unit helps me stay in good health; we have just the right amount of freedom here, but also agreed rules.


I manage quite well on my own but I need help from the instructors for filling in forms for Kela, for example. I pay my bills by dropping payment service envelopes into the bank. I tried once paying my bills on my mobile phone, but it was difficult for me because of my illness. I look after my own medicines, and the instructor checks from time to time that I have remembered to take them. I do my own shopping. For the last few years, my medication and treatment have been in a good balance, and I have not needed to see a doctor. If necessary, I can call for an appointment and take a bus to visit a doctor. When I'm in town, I go to the library quite often. Getting a tram is a handy way of travelling from here to the city centre.

Important people

I have some good friends here in the supported living unit where I live. My uncle's wife and my sister and her husband are also important to me, as well as my godmother. The instructors at this supported living unit and at the day centre are also important. My sister once described me well by calling me a sociable hermit. I like company, but I also like being alone. I keep in touch with my loved ones on the phone.

Turning points of life and their impact

Perhaps the biggest turning point in my life was when I got to go to the day centre and started living in the supported living unit. That’s when I started improving, I have started understanding this illness and the reasons for many things.

Use of digital devices

I have a TV and mobile phone, and also a DVD player. I don't have a computer, and I don't intend to get one for the time being, because I've been able to do everything without it. I'm afraid I would get the computer messed up and wouldn't know what to do. I find that digital and smart devices are complicated and require concentration, which is difficult for me because of my illness. All those things that keep popping up in the computer and phone screen make me feel dizzy.

I mostly use my phone for calling and messaging. I have sometimes watched YouTube on the phone but found it pointless. I’m on Facebook, but I’ve found that I am more interested in the television and radio, such as the news. The only thing I need the phone for is weather information, bus timetables and map services.

The best thing technology could offer me would be logging into the services with a PIN, rather than always need banking IDs. Logging in to the services takes a lot of time and requires concentration. Smart devices should be as simple as possible to use so that they would actually be used, instead of collecting dust.

To conclude

All things taken together are important, good everyday life. Loved ones, friends and good food. Doing little jobs as far as you can manage. Life should not be too easy, you should have everything in proportion.
